S t e v e n Z o e r n a c k
Founder/Managing Director
• The General Partner, BambooBoss LLC, was established in 2024 by Steven Zoernack, who worked at former investment banking giant Bear Steam’s New York headquarters in Institutional Asset Management. Steve majored in Electrical Engineering at Boston University’s School of Engineering and played Attack on the school’s Lacrosse team.
• Mr. Zoernack is a dedicated and passionate entrepreneur with over 30 years experience in Agriculture originating, underwriting, valuing and closing agricultural properties as large as values of $50,000,000 and sizes of up to 14,000 acre farms throughout the United States from the lending side.
•Early in his professional career, when deals were still done by Fax machines, Steve was involved with large grain negotiations for third world human consumption at the Continental Grain Company’s Commodity division at 4 World Trade Center in New York.
• Served as Global Sector Head, Fund Head and on Management and Investment Committees from April 2008 to 2015 tenures at EquityStar Capital Partners.
• Proactive long standing relationships with global operating partners and a 400+ executive network of high and ultra high net worth individuals.
• Steve’s approach to social responsibility includes empowering our people to give back to their communities. He continues his extensive volunteer work which in the past has included teaching religion to 3-7 year old children, serving as elected Commissioner of Sarasota County Little League Baseball, and serving as a Class A Special Olympics Volunteer who took his Co-ed Softball team to Florida State Finals to win the Gold Medal.
• Prefers a work environment where people appreciate intelligence, spark, humor, wit and paradoxical mind.
Team Overview
Long-tenured and cohesive team members sharing profitability goals
Founding Partner
Farm Manager
Harvesting Manager
Marketing and Sales
- Founder with over 30 years of combined experience in commercial and agricultural real estate valuation and financing, fund management, and over 50 distinct investments
- Operating team has complementary and relevant experience managing target markets
- Team-first, collaborative approach with a history of agriculture valuation, management and financing
- Proven investment approach and value creation playbook
- Partners to management – team-oriented mindset